There isa new bossin town

Prison Boss

There isa new bossin town

Prison Boss

Become a self-made egg or get a partner in crime!

You can play solo or in co-op with one of your friends... or a totally reliable stranger from the internet

Fulfill your customers' needs - No Questions Asked!

  • Buy and store your supplies

    Support the local economy by sourcing your raw materials from nearby suppliers. Rest assured, this premium tobacco is not only smuggled but also certified organic and fairtrade!

  • Craft without getting caught

    Brew the best illegal beer in New-Yolk, roll your cigarettes… but stay alert! The New Yolk Police Department is cracking down on contraband. If they catch you or your partner, they will seize any prohibited goods.

  • Earn cash and reputation

    Sell your merchandise to the New Yolkers, from workers to the wealthy, to earn some cash. But that's not all! By meeting their needs, you'll boost your reputation across the city. Get that street cred, kiddo.

  • Customize your shop and your looks

    Now that you're rich, it's time to get even richer! Upgrade your shop and equipment to increase efficiency. Enhance your appearance to become the coolest cock-a-doodle-dude!

Playthe OG PrisonBoss VR!

Got those high-tech glasses and still haven't tried the best egg-themed prison simulator on the market?

It should've been your first move, but don't worry—it's not too late!

Prison Boss

You got questions?

We ain't gonna snitch!
What do you want to know?